Dreams their meanings (and mysteries).
Dream of a snake has more meanings than you might think, a black cat is not always bad luck, each animal has its meaning within the game of dreams.
Many people seek to get lucid dreams with thoughts of something fixed before bed, but the truth is that dreams are a real "lottery", you never know what will dream ... Until dream! ;)
You never remember what you dreamed or think does not dream?
Most of the time what happens is the lack of a technique that facilitates this recall.
As most people have the phone always near the headboard, is much easier to search the APP logo when you wake up, the search only to remember later.
Even for those who relate their dreams on luck in life, in the game or in love!
People who remember more of their dreams had higher levels of activity in the medial prefrontal cortex of the brain, both agreed as sleeping, and temporomandibular joint, which is an information processing center.